Strategy Development

Photo by DimaSobko/iStock / Getty Images

Buying another tool won't keep your business safe in cyberspace. You need a strategy to help guide your investments in people, processes, and technology to build a defensible architecture over a multi-year period. Let us help you. Orkestrel takes a "lean consulting" approach to strategy development - we work with you and your team to identify the strategy that will meet the threats your organization is working to manage every day. We specialize in using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to guide the development of your cybersecurity strategy.

Risk Assessment

Photo by Hans Slegers/Hemera / Getty Images

How much is enough? It's the question your CFO and CEO have been asking. How do you answer? Tell them you have developed a risk assessment using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. You've developed a profile of your current cybersecurity capabilities. You've identified the future capabilities you need to meet the threats your organization faces. You've developed a multi-year roadmap. Our consultants are intimately familiar with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. We can help guide the way.

Business Development

Photo by BrianAJackson/iStock / Getty Images

Orkestrel has deep insight into the cybersecurity market in general and the Federal market in particular. We can help you navigate the world of cybersecurity and guide your sales team to the right people that make the real decisions. We can help you develop a strategy for business development and help you implement it through our extensive network in both the public and private sectors.